- Candidacy Programs
- Accreditation
- Accredited Programs in Canada
- Accredited Programs outside Canada - USA
- Accredited Programs outside Canada - Canberra Accord
- Fee
Laurentian University
McEwen School of Architecture
935 Ramsey Lake Rd,
Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6
1.800 461- 4030
(705) 675-1151
E-mail: info@laurentian.ca
Accreditation Process Information
Degree: Master of Architecture
Status: Candidacy, granted in 2018. Effective July 1, 2018 and ending on June 30, 2024
Planned Initial Accreditation Visit: in 2021
Candidacy status is granted if the Board considers that the Program is implementing its development plan and can achieve accreditation according to that plan no later than 2 years after the planned graduation of the first student cohort.
Conditional Certification may be granted to graduates of programs of architectural education in Canada that are granted Candidacy Status by CACB during the institution’s accreditation process.
More details could be found on the 2017 Procedures for Accreditation.
Accreditation is the public recognition accorded to a professional program that meets established professional qualifications and educational standards through initial and periodic evaluations.
Accreditation is based on the Conditions and Terms for Accreditation and the Procedures for Accreditation. It typically requires a self-evaluation on the part of the institution, followed by a site visit and review conducted by a team representing the CACB.
The accreditation decision is rendered by the Board.
The CACB Conditions and Terms for Accreditation and the Procedures for Accreditation are cyclically reviewed and updated to ensure that architectural education is adapting and anticipating changes in the discipline and in the profession.
The CACB has administered the Accreditation Program since 1991. It is the sole organization recognized by the architectural profession in Canada to accredit professional degree programs in architecture offered by Canadian universities.
The CACB is one of the founders and an active member of the Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada (AAAC). www.aaac.ca
Accreditation Visits
The CACB Accreditation visits are generally held in the spring and the accreditation decisions are rendered at the fall Board meetings.
2020 Cycle:
2021 Cycle:
Accredited Programs in Canada
In Canada, there are 11 university schools of architecture that have been granted CACB accreditation for their professional programs in architecture. Currently, all the accredited programs offered by the 11 schools are masters degree programs: Master of Architecture (M. Arch).
“Terms of Accreditation,” as well as “Accreditation Information and Documents” are published on each school of architecture’s program webpage.
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
Carleton University
Dalhousie University
Université Laval
University of Manitoba
McGill University
Université de Montréal
Ryerson University
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
For Accredited Programs outside Canada – USA, refer to:
NAAB- National Architectural Accrediting Board (USA)
- NBAA –(China) National Board of Architectural Accreditation
- CAA – Commonwealth Association of Architects
- KAAB – (South Korea) Korean Architectural Accrediting Board
- ANPADEH – (Mexico) Acreditadora Nacional de Programas de Arquitectura y Disciplinas del Espacio Habitable
- JABEE-(Japan) Japan Engineer Education
Fee Schedule
What is accreditation?
What is architectural accreditation?
What is the difference between accreditation and certification?
– Institutions/Programs infrastructure, resources and curricular are assessed against the Conditions and Terms for Accreditation following a site visit.
– Individuals’ academic qualifications are assessed against the Canadian Education Standard following the review of their individual application for certification.
Why should I choose an accredited architecture program?
Does graduating from a CACB Accredited Program assure registration?
As a student/graduate does it make a difference if my accredited program was granted a 3 or 6 year term?
Can I apply for CACB certification if I graduated from an architectural program prior to it being accredited?
Is there any accredited architecture programs offered online?
What is the process for an architecture program to become accredited?
Accreditation Visits start with the APR and end with the VTR, which will serve for the decision on the Term of Accreditation to be granted by the Board.
What is an APR?
Where can I find the APR of the Program of the Institution I’m interested in?
What is a VTR?
Where can I find the latest Visiting Team Report of the Program of the Institution I’m interested in?
Can students participate in the accreditation process?
What is the composition of a Visiting Team?
Eligibility Consultation: CACB President, a Board member, and the Executive Director
Candidacy Visit: an Educator, a Practitioner, and the CACB Executive Director
Initial and Continuing Visits: The core Visiting Team is comprised of five voting members (including the Team Chair). It consists of two experienced architectural educators, two broadly experienced practicing architects; and a student representative or an intern.
In addition to the core Visiting Team, the Visiting Team may include as many as two non-voting members. The Program may appoint one of these, while the CACB may appoint the second for training purposes. With the Program’s agreement, the CACB may appoint additional non-voting members.
How can I becomes a Visiting team Member?
You will be added to the Visiting Team Roster and placed in the queue to participate in the next accreditation visiting team as a non-voting member. After then, you will be ready to be appointed on a visiting team as a full member.
Does CACB accredit architecture programs outside of Canada?
Candidacy Program
Laurentian University
McEwen School of Architecture
935 Ramsey Lake Rd,
Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6
1.800 461- 4030
(705) 675-1151
E-mail: info@laurentian.ca
Accreditation Process Information
Degree: Master of Architecture
Status: Candidacy, granted in 2018. Effective July 1, 2018 and ending on June 30, 2024
Planned Initial Accreditation Visit: in 2021
Candidacy status is granted if the Board considers that the Program is implementing its development plan and can achieve accreditation according to that plan no later than 2 years after the planned graduation of the first student cohort.
Conditional Certification may be granted to graduates of programs of architectural education in Canada that are granted Candidacy Status by CACB during the institution’s accreditation process.
More details could be found on the 2017 Procedures for Accreditation.
Accreditation is based on the Conditions and Terms for Accreditation and the Procedures for Accreditation. It typically requires a self-evaluation on the part of the institution, followed by a site visit and review conducted by a team representing the CACB.
The accreditation decision is rendered by the Board.
The CACB Conditions and Terms for Accreditation and the Procedures for Accreditation are cyclically reviewed and updated to ensure that architectural education is adapting and anticipating changes in the discipline and in the profession.
The CACB has administered the Accreditation Program since 1991. It is the sole organization recognized by the architectural profession in Canada to accredit professional degree programs in architecture offered by Canadian universities.
The CACB is one of the founders and an active member of the Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada (AAAC). www.aaac.ca
Accreditation Visits
The CACB Accreditation visits are generally held in the spring and the accreditation decisions are rendered at the fall Board meetings.
2019 Cycle:
2020 Cycle:
Accredited Program in Canada
Accredited Programs in Canada
In Canada, there are 11 university schools of architecture that have been granted CACB accreditation for their professional programs in architecture. Currently, all the accredited programs offered by the 11 schools are masters degree programs: Master of Architecture (M. Arch).
“Terms of Accreditation,” as well as “Accreditation Information and Documents” are published on each school of architecture’s program webpage.
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
Carleton University
Dalhousie University
Université Laval
University of Manitoba
McGill University
Université de Montréal
Ryerson University
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
For Accredited Programs outside Canada – USA
For Accredited Programs outside Canada – USA, refer to:
NAAB- National Architectural Accrediting Board (USA)
Accredited Programs outside Canada - Canberra Accord
- NBAA –(China) National Board of Architectural Accreditation
- CAA – Commonwealth Association of Architects
- KAAB – (South Korea) Korean Architectural Accrediting Board
- ANPADEH – (Mexico) Acreditadora Nacional de Programas de Arquitectura y Disciplinas del Espacio Habitable
- JABEE-(Japan) Japan Engineer Education
Fee schedule
Fee Schedule
What is accreditation?
What is architectural accreditation?
What is the difference between accreditation and certification?
– Institutions/Programs infrastructure, resources and curricular are assessed against the Conditions and Terms for Accreditation following a site visit.
– Individuals’ academic qualifications are assessed against the Canadian Education Standard following the review of their individual application for certification.
Why should I choose an accredited architecture program?
Does graduating from a CACB Accredited Program assure registration?
As a student/graduate does it make a difference if my accredited program was granted a 3 or 6 year term?
Can I apply for CACB certification if I graduated from an architectural program prior to it being accredited?
Is there any accredited architecture programs offered online?
What is the process for an architecture program to become accredited?
Accreditation Visits start with the APR and end with the VTR, which will serve for the decision on the Term of Accreditation to be granted by the Board.
What is an APR?
Where can I find the APR of the Program of the Institution I’m interested in?
What is a VTR?
Where can I find the latest Visiting Team Report of the Program of the Institution I’m interested in?
Can students participate in the accreditation process?
What is the composition of a Visiting Team?
Eligibility Consultation: CACB President, a Board member, and the Executive Director
Candidacy Visit: an Educator, a Practitioner, and the CACB Executive Director
Initial and Continuing Visits: The core Visiting Team is comprised of five voting members (including the Team Chair). It consists of two experienced architectural educators, two broadly experienced practicing architects; and a student representative or an intern.
In addition to the core Visiting Team, the Visiting Team may include as many as two non-voting members. The Program may appoint one of these, while the CACB may appoint the second for training purposes. With the Program’s agreement, the CACB may appoint additional non-voting members.
How can I becomes a Visiting team Member?
You will be added to the Visiting Team Roster and placed in the queue to participate in the next accreditation visiting team as a non-voting member. After then, you will be ready to be appointed on a visiting team as a full member.