- Accredited Programs outside Canada - Canberra Accord
- Accreditation
- Conditions and Procedures
- Resources
- Accredited Programs in Canada
- Accredited Programs outside Canada - USA
- Accreditation Visits and Training
- Reporting
- Fee
- Frequently Asked Questions
Accredited Programs outside Canada – Canberra Accord:
- NBAA –(China) National Board of Architectural Accreditation
- IEEET-AAC–(Chinese Taipei) Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan
- JABEE –(Japan) Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education
- KAAB –(South Korea) Korea Architectural Accrediting Board
- ANPADEH-(Mexico)Acreditadora Nacional de Programas de Arquitectura y Disciplinas del Espacio Habitable
- SACAP-(South Africa) South African Council for the Architectural Profession
The CACB has administered the Accreditation Program since 1991. It is the sole organization recognized by the architectural profession in Canada to accredit professional degree programs in architecture offered by Canadian universities.
The CACB is one of the founders and an active member of the Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada (AAAC). www.aaac.ca
Accreditation is the public recognition accorded to a professional program that meets established professional qualifications and educational standards through initial and periodic evaluations.
Accreditation is based on the Conditions and Terms for Accreditation and the Procedures for Accreditation. It typically requires a self-evaluation on the part of the institution, followed by a site visit and review conducted by a team representing the CACB.
The accreditation decision is rendered by the Board.
Terms of Accreditation
Initial Accreditation
Programs seeking initial accreditation must first be granted candidacy status. The maximum period of candidacy status is six years.
Programs that achieve initial accreditation at any time during the six-year candidacy will receive an initial three-year term, indicating that all major program components and resources are in place. Some additional program development may be necessary and/or deficiencies may need to be corrected. Additionally, to be eligible for CACB certification, students cannot have graduated from the Program more than two years prior to the initial accreditation.
Continuing Accreditation
a) Six-year term: Indicates that deficiencies, if any, are minor and that a process to correct these deficiencies is clearly defined and in place. The Program is accredited for the full six-year period.
b) Six-year term with a “focused evaluation” at the end of three years: Indicates that
significant deficiencies exist in meeting the requirements of the CACB Conditions and
Terms for Accreditation; consideration of these deficiencies will form the basis of a
focused evaluation. The Program is required to report on its particular deficiencies
during the third year.
c) Three-year term: Indicates that major deficiencies are affecting the quality of the
Program, but the intent to correct these deficiencies is clear and attainable. The Program is accredited for a full three-year period. If the Program receives two consecutive three-year terms of accreditation, then the Program must achieve a six-year accreditation term at the next accreditation visit. If the Program fails, it will be placed on a two-year probationary term. If the Program fails to achieve a six-year term at its subsequent accreditation visit, then its accreditation shall be revoked.
d) Two-year probationary term: Indicates that CACB deficiencies are severe enough to seriously question the quality of the Program and the intent or capability to correct
these deficiencies is not evident. A Program on probation must show just cause for
the continuation of its accreditation, and at its next scheduled review, the Program
must receive at least a three-year term or accreditation will be revoked. If the two-year probationary term is following the sequence described in “c,” the Program must receive at least a six-year term or its accreditation shall be revoked.
e) Revocation of accreditation: Indicates that insufficient progress was made during a
two-year probationary term to warrant a full three-year or six-year accreditation term. Notwithstanding, the foregoing accreditation of any Program can be revoked at any time if there is evidence of substantial and persistent non-compliance with the requirements of the CACB Terms and Conditions for Accreditation.
Professional Degrees and Curriculum
A CACB-accredited professional Program in architecture prepares students to enter the practice of architecture as architectural interns. Accreditation is based on the overall quality of the program objectives and the specific performance criteria that students meet through coursework.
The CACB only awards accreditation to professional degree Programs in architecture.
A CACB-accredited professional Program in architecture is defined as the totality of a student’s post-secondary education culminating in a designated professional university degree, which may be a bachelor of architecture (BArch) or a master of architecture (M. Arch) degree.
The undergraduate part of the master of Architecture degree is not, by itself, recognized as an accredited degree.
The Programs include:
- a minimum of five years of post-secondary study culminating in a master of architecture degree, which follows a pre-professional bachelor’s degree, except in Quebec, where the minimum is four years of professional studies following two years of CEGEP;
- a minimum of six years of post-secondary study culminating in a master of architecture degree, which follows a bachelor’s degree in any discipline and includes a minimum of three years of professional studies in architecture; or
- a minimum of five years of post-secondary study culminating in a bachelor of architecture degree. In keeping with the principle of outcome-based Accreditation, the CACB does not restrict the structure of a professional Program and/or the distribution of its coursework.
Conditions and Procedures
The conditions and procedures are the guiding documents for the accreditation of programs offering professional degrees in architecture. They outline the requirements that the accredited programs must meet and the procedures to follow to ensure a uniform, fair, and equitable accreditation process that will uphold the minimum standards in architectural accreditation. They are companion documents that should be read together. In both documents, words including “shall,” “must,” and other grammatically imperative terms set forth a requirement, while “may” indicates a suggestion.
The CACB Conditions and Terms for Accreditation and the Procedures for Accreditation are cyclically reviewed and updated to ensure that architectural education is adapting and anticipating changes in the discipline and in the profession.
Amendment of article 2.2.58 of the Procedures for Accreditation
In an effort to extend the eligibility for a larger number of team members to be involved in the Accreditation Visits, the CACB approved on March 18, 2022, the revision of the geographical restrictions pertaining to the Visiting Team Member assignment outlined in the CACB Procedures for Accreditation Article
The article states: ‘’No member of the core Visiting Team may reside in the Province or Territory in which the Program is located.’’
The article now reads as follows: ‘‘Any members of the core Visiting Team who may normally reside in the Province or Territory in which the Program is located shall not have been affiliated with that Program within the last ten (10) years.’’.
Other updates and enhancements have been made to the Procedures to accommodate the data reporting and to integrate online and distance practices in the visit preparation and performance. Appendices A-8: Human Resources Statistical Report and A-3: Typical Initial and Maintenance Accreditation Hybrid Site Visit Agenda, have been updated accordingly and are available with other reference documents on the “Resources’’ page: https://cacb.ca/resources/
The following resources are available for both the programs and the Visiting Team Members.
Click here
Accredited Programs in Canada
In Canada, 12 university architecture schools have been granted CACB accreditation for their professional programs in architecture. All the accredited programs offered by the 12 schools are master’s degrees programs: Master of Architecture (M. Arch).
Terms of Accreditation and Accreditation Documents are published on each school of architecture’s program webpage.
To alleviate the difficulties and unprecedented times caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board has granted a one-year extension to the term of accreditation of all Programs whose last Accreditation visit was completed before 2021
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University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
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Carleton University
Dalhousie University
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Université Laval
University of Manitoba
McGill University
Université de Montréal
Toronto Metropolitan University
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
Laurentian University
For Accredited Programs outside Canada – USA, refer to:
NAAB- National Architectural Accrediting Board (USA)
Accreditation Visits and Training
The CACB Accreditation visits are generally held in the spring and the accreditation decisions are rendered at the fall Board meetings.
The Accreditation Visits Calendar is established according to the Programs’ terms and type of accreditation
The Accreditation Visit Schedule is confirmed at each Fall Board meeting.
Schedule 2022-2026
Accreditation Reporting is a requirement to maintain accreditation. Programs are expected to report on each CACB condition identified as “not met” and to each cause of concern listed in the Visiting Team Report.
Annual Report
The Annual Report with its narrative and statistical sections is part of the ongoing accreditation process. Notwithstanding each Program’s term of accreditation, all Programs must submit Annual Reports every year to maintain their accreditation status. See section 3.2.1 of the Procedures for Accreditation
Annual Reports s are due at the CACB office on June 30 of each year.
Late submission of the Annual Report is subject to fines as identified in the Fee Schedule.
Annual reports are due in the following sequence:
- On June 30 of the final year of an accreditation term, statistical report only (a Site Visit has just been completed)
- On June 30 of the next-to-final year of an accreditation term, statistical report only (APR due in the following September)
- On June 30 of all other years, a full AR, including narrative report and statistical report.
Automatic Certification
Graduates of Canadian Accredited Programs are eligible for Automatic Academic Certification. Programs are required to forward each year to the CACB the list of their graduated students.
Graduate student lists are due within 3 months of graduation.
Focused Evaluation Report
As per the Accreditation Decision, Programs required to undergo a Focused Evaluation, are expected to submit a Focused Evaluation Report. See section 3.2.3 of the Procedures for Accreditation
The Focused Evaluation Report is due at the CACB Office on April 30 of the year in which the evaluation is scheduled.
The Focused Evaluation Report consists of a written description, with evidence (course descriptions, course assignments, and samples of work (digital or hard copy), etc.) of how the Program is addressing each condition targeted for Focused Evaluation, as addressed in the Visiting Team Report.
Fee Schedule
What is accreditation?
What is architectural accreditation?
What is the difference between accreditation and certification?
– Institutions/Programs infrastructure, resources and curricular are assessed against the Conditions and Terms for Accreditation following a site visit.
– Individuals’ academic qualifications are assessed against the Canadian Education Standard following the review of their individual application for certification.
Why should I choose an accredited architecture program?
Does graduating from a CACB Accredited Program assure registration?
As a student/graduate does it make a difference if my accredited program was granted a 3 or 6 year term?
Can I apply for CACB certification if I graduated from an architectural program prior to it being accredited?
Is there any accredited architecture programs offered online?
What is the process for an architecture program to become accredited?
Accreditation Visits start with the APR and end with the VTR, which will serve for the decision on the Term of Accreditation to be granted by the Board.
What is an APR?
Where can I find the APR of the Program of the Institution I’m interested in?
What is a VTR?
Where can I find the latest Visiting Team Report of the Program of the Institution I’m interested in?
Can students participate in the accreditation process?
What is the composition of a Visiting Team?
Eligibility Consultation: CACB President, a Board member, and the Executive Director
Candidacy Visit: an Educator, a Practitioner, and the CACB Executive Director
Initial and Continuing Visits: The core Visiting Team is comprised of five voting members (including the Team Chair). It consists of two experienced architectural educators, two broadly experienced practicing architects; and a student representative or an intern.
In addition to the core Visiting Team, the Visiting Team may include as many as two non-voting members. The Program may appoint one of these, while the CACB may appoint the second for training purposes. With the Program’s agreement, the CACB may appoint additional non-voting members.
How can I becomes a Visiting team Member?
You will be added to the Visiting Team Roster and placed in the queue to participate in the next accreditation visiting team as a non-voting member. After then, you will be ready to be appointed on a visiting team as a full member.
Does CACB accredit architecture programs outside of Canada?
Accredited Programs outside Canada - Canberra Accord
Accredited Programs outside Canada – Canberra Accord:
- NBAA –(China) National Board of Architectural Accreditation
- IEEET-AAC–(Chinese Taipei) Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan
- JABEE –(Japan) Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education
- KAAB –(South Korea) Korea Architectural Accrediting Board
- ANPADEH-(Mexico)Acreditadora Nacional de Programas de Arquitectura y Disciplinas del Espacio Habitable
- SACAP-(South Africa) South African Council for the Architectural Profession
The CACB has administered the Accreditation Program since 1991. It is the sole organization recognized by the architectural profession in Canada to accredit professional degree programs in architecture offered by Canadian universities.
The CACB is one of the founders and an active member of the Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada (AAAC). www.aaac.ca
Accreditation is the public recognition accorded to a professional program that meets established professional qualifications and educational standards through initial and periodic evaluations.
Accreditation is based on the Conditions and Terms for Accreditation and the Procedures for Accreditation. It typically requires a self-evaluation on the part of the institution, followed by a site visit and review conducted by a team representing the CACB.
The accreditation decision is rendered by the Board.
Professional Degrees and Curriculum
A CACB-accredited professional Program in architecture prepares students to enter the practice of architecture as architectural interns. Accreditation is based on the overall quality of the program objectives and the specific performance criteria that students meet through coursework.
The CACB only awards accreditation to professional degree Programs in architecture.
A CACB-accredited professional Program in architecture is defined as the totality of a student’s post-secondary education culminating in a designated professional university degree, which may be a bachelor of architecture (BArch) or a master of architecture (M. Arch) degree.
The undergraduate part of the master of Architecture degree is not, by itself, recognized as an accredited degree.
The Programs include:
- a minimum of five years of post-secondary study culminating in a master of architecture degree, which follows a pre-professional bachelor’s degree, except in Quebec, where the minimum is four years of professional studies following two years of CEGEP;
- a minimum of six years of post-secondary study culminating in a master of architecture degree, which follows a bachelor’s degree in any discipline and includes a minimum of three years of professional studies in architecture; or
- a minimum of five years of post-secondary study culminating in a bachelor of architecture degree. In keeping with the principle of outcome-based Accreditation, the CACB does not restrict the structure of a professional Program and/or the distribution of its coursework.
Conditions and Procedures
The conditions and procedures are the guiding documents for the accreditation of programs offering professional degrees in architecture. They outline the requirements that the accredited programs must meet and the procedures to follow to ensure a uniform, fair, and equitable accreditation process that will uphold the minimum standards in architectural accreditation. They are companion documents that should be read together. In both documents, words including “shall,” “must,” and other grammatically imperative terms set forth a requirement, while “may” indicates a suggestion.
The CACB Conditions and Terms for Accreditation and the Procedures for Accreditation are cyclically reviewed and updated to ensure that architectural education is adapting and anticipating changes in the discipline and in the profession.
Amendment of article 2.2.58 of the Procedures for Accreditation
In an effort to extend the eligibility for a larger number of team members to be involved in the Accreditation Visits, the CACB approved on March 18, 2022, the revision of the geographical restrictions pertaining to the Visiting Team Member assignment outlined in the CACB Procedures for Accreditation Article
The article states: ‘’No member of the core Visiting Team may reside in the Province or Territory in which the Program is located.’’
The article now reads as follows: ‘‘Any members of the core Visiting Team who may normally reside in the Province or Territory in which the Program is located shall not have been affiliated with that Program within the last ten (10) years.’’.
Other updates and enhancements have been made to the Procedures to accommodate the data reporting and to integrate online and distance practices in the visit preparation and performance. Appendices A-8: Human Resources Statistical Report and A-3: Typical Initial and Maintenance Accreditation Hybrid Site Visit Agenda, have been updated accordingly and are available with other reference documents on the “Resources’’ page: https://cacb.ca/resources/
Click here
Accredited Program
Accredited Programs in Canada
In Canada, 12 university architecture schools have been granted CACB accreditation for their professional programs in architecture. All the accredited programs offered by the 12 schools are master’s degrees programs: Master of Architecture (M. Arch).
Terms of Accreditation and Accreditation Documents are published on each school of architecture’s program webpage.
To alleviate the difficulties and unprecedented times caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board has granted a one-year extension to the term of accreditation of all Programs whose last Accreditation visit was completed before 2021.
University of British Columbia
School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture
402 – 6333 Memorial Road
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6T 1Z2
E-mail: arch1@interchange.ubc.ca
Accreditation Information
Degree: Master of Architecture
Accredited since 1996
Term of Accreditation: six years with a Focused Evaluation at the end of three years. Effective July 1, 2018, and will end on June 30, 2025. The Focused Evaluation was carried out in 2023
Next Accreditation Visit: 2025
Accreditation documents
2018 Visiting Team Report (VTR)
2017 Architecture Program Report (APR)
University of Calgary
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Professional Faculties Building, Room 2182
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta
T2N 1N4
(403) 220-6601
(403) 284-4399
E-mail: info@sapl.ucalgary.ca
Accreditation Information
Degree: Master of Architecture
Accredited since 1995
Term of Accreditation: Six years with a Focused Evaluation at the end of three years. Effective July 1, 2024, and will end June 30, 2030. The Focused Evaluation will be carried out in 2027.
Next Accreditation Visit: 2030
Accreditation documents
University_of Calgary_Visiting_Team_Report (VTR)_2024
University_of_Calgary_Architecture_Program_Report (APR)_2023
Carleton University
Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism
202 Architectural Building
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1S 5B6
E-mail: architecture@carleton.ca
Accreditation Information
Degree: Bachelor of Architecture
Terms of accreditation: 01/01/1995 – 01/01/2005
Degree: Master of Architecture
Accredited since 2005
Term of Accreditation: Six years. Effective July 1, 2024, and will end on June 30, 2030.
Next Accreditation Visit: 2030
Accreditation documents
Carleton_University_Visiting_Team_Report (VTR)_2024
Carleton_University_Architecture_Program_Report (APR)_2023
Dalhousie University
School of Architecture
P.O. Box 1000, 5410 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2X4
E-mail: arch.office@dal.ca
Accreditation Information
Degree: Master of Architecture
Accredited since 1994
Term of Accreditation: six years. Effective July 1, 2022, and will end June 30, 2028.
Next Accreditation Visit: 2028
Accreditation documents
2022 Accreditation Report (ACR)
Université Laval
École d’architecture
Édifice du Vieux-Séminaire de Québec
1, Côte de la Fabrique, bureau 3210
Québec, Québec
G1R 3V6
(418) 656-2543
(418) 656-2785
E-mail: arc@arc.ulaval.ca
Accreditation Information
Degree : Baccalauréat en architecture
Terms of accreditation: 01/01/1994 – 01/01/2004
Degree: Maîtrise en architecture
Accredited since 2002
Term of Accreditation: six years with a Focused Evaluation at the end of three years. Effective July 1, 2019, and will end on June 30, 2026. The Focused Evaluation was carried out in 2024.
Next Accreditation Visit: 2026.
Accreditation documents
2019 Visiting Team Report (VTR)
2018 Architecture Program Report (APR)
University of Manitoba
Architectural Graduate Programs – Rosemary Visevic
201 Russell Building
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2N2
E-mail: visevicr@cc.umanitoba.ca
Accreditation Information
Degree: Master of Architecture
Accredited since 1996
Term of Accreditation: six years. Effective July 1, 2018, and will end on June 30, 2025.
Next Accreditation Visit: 2025.
Accreditation documents
2018 Visiting Team Report (VTR)
2017 Architecture Program Report (APR)
McGill University
School of Architecture
Macdonald – Harrington Building
815 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Québec
H3A 2K6
Accreditation Information
Degree: Bachelor of Architecture
Terms of accreditation 01/01/1996 – 01/01/2001
Degree: Master of Architecture
Accredited since 2001
Term of Accreditation: Six years. Effective July 1, 2018, and will end on June 30, 2025.
Next Accreditation Visit: 2025.
Accreditation documents
2018 Visiting Team Report (VTR)
2017 Architecture Program Report (APR)
Université de Montréal
École d’architecture
Faculté de l’aménagement
C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville
Montréal, Québec
H3C 3J7
(514) 343-6007
(514) 343-2455
E-mail: archi@ame.umontreal.ca
Accreditation Information
Degree: Baccalauréat en architecture
Terms of accreditation 01/01/1994 – 01/01/2004
Degree: Maîtrise en architecture
Accredited since 1999
Term of Accreditation: six years. Effective July 1, 2021, and will end June 30, 2027.
Next Accreditation Visit: 2027
Accreditation documents
2021 Visiting Team Report (VTR)
2019 Architecture Program Report (APR)-Volume 1
2019 Architecture Program Report (APR)-Volume 2
Toronto Metropolitan University
Department of Architectural Science
Toronto Metropolitan University
325 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario
Mailing address
Department of Architectural Science
Toronto Metropolitan University
350 Victoria Street,
Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2K3
(416) 979-5000 x5360
(416) 979-5353
E-mail: march@ryerson.ca
Accreditation Information
Degree: Master of Architecture
Accredited since 2010
Term of Accreditation: six years with a Focused Evaluation at the end of three years. Effective July 1, 2019, and will end on June 30, 2026. The Focused Evaluation was carried out in 2023.
Next Accreditation Visit: 2026.
Accreditation documents
2019 Visiting Team Report (VTR)
2018 Architecture Program Report (APR)
University of Toronto
Faculty of Architecture, Landscape & Design
230 College Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 1R2
E-mail: enquiry@daniels.utoronto.ca
Accreditation Information
Degree: Bachelor of Architecture
Terms of accreditation 01/01/1994 – 01/01/2004
Degree: Master of Architecture
Accredited since 2002
Term of Accreditation: Six years. Effective July 1, 2019, and will end on June 30, 2026.
Next Accreditation Visit: 2026.
Accreditation documents
2019 Visiting Team Report (VTR)
2018 Architecture Program Report (APR)
University of Waterloo
School of Architecture Cambridge
7 Melville Street south
Cambridge, Ontario
N1S 2H4
(519)888-4567 x27602
E-mail: info@architecture.uwaterloo.ca
Accreditation Information
Degree: Bachelor of Architecture
Terms of accreditation: 01/01/1993 – 01/01/2005
Degree: Master of Architecture
Accredited since 2002
Terms of accreditation: Six years. Effective July 1, 2024, and will end on June 30, 2030.
Next Accreditation Visit: 2030.
Accreditation documents
University_of_Waterloo_Visiting_Team_Report (VTR)_2024
University_of_Waterloo_Architecture_Program_Report (APR)_2023
Laurentian University
McEwen School of Architecture
935 Ramsey Lake Rd,
Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6
1.800 461- 4030
(705) 675-1151
E-mail: info@laurentian.ca
Accreditation Information
Degree: Master of Architecture
Term of Accreditation: Six years. with a Focused Evaluation at the end of three years. Effective July 1, 2024, and will end June 30, 2030. The Focused Evaluation will be carried out in 2027.
Next Accreditation Visit: 2030
Accreditation documents
Laurentian_University_Visiting_Team_Report (VTR)_2024
Laurentian_University_Architecture_Program_Report (APR)_2023
For Accredited Programs outside Canada – USA
For Accredited Programs outside Canada – USA, refer to:
NAAB- National Architectural Accrediting Board (USA)
Accreditation Visits and Training
The CACB Accreditation visits are generally held in the spring and the accreditation decisions are rendered at the fall Board meetings.
The Accreditation Visits Calendar is established according to the Programs’ terms and type of accreditation
The Accreditation Visit Schedule is confirmed at each Fall Board meeting.
Schedule 2022-2026
- No visits
Annual Report
The Annual Report with its narrative and statistical sections is part of the ongoing accreditation process. Notwithstanding each Program’s term of accreditation, all Programs must submit Annual Reports every year to maintain their accreditation status. See section 3.2.1 of the Procedures for Accreditation
Annual Reports s are due at the CACB office on June 30 of each year.
Late submission of the Annual Report is subject to fines as identified in the Fee Schedule.
Annual reports are due in the following sequence:
- On June 30 of the final year of an accreditation term, statistical report only (a Site Visit has just been completed)
- On June 30 of the next-to-final year of an accreditation term, statistical report only (APR due in the following September)
- On June 30 of all other years, a full AR, including narrative report and statistical report.
Automatic Certification
Graduates of Canadian Accredited Programs are eligible for Automatic Academic Certification. Programs are required to forward each year to the CACB the list of their graduated students.
Graduate student lists are due within 3 months of graduation.
Focused Evaluation Report
As per the Accreditation Decision, Programs required to undergo a Focused Evaluation, are expected to submit a Focused Evaluation Report. See section 3.2.3 of the Procedures for Accreditation
The Focused Evaluation Report is due at the CACB Office on April 30 of the year in which the evaluation is scheduled.
The Focused Evaluation Report consists of a written description, with evidence (course descriptions, course assignments, and samples of work (digital or hard copy), etc.) of how the Program is addressing each condition targeted for Focused Evaluation, as addressed in the Visiting Team Report.
Fee schedule
Fee Schedule
What is accreditation?
What is architectural accreditation?
What is the difference between accreditation and certification?
– Institutions/Programs infrastructure, resources and curricular are assessed against the Conditions and Terms for Accreditation following a site visit.
– Individuals’ academic qualifications are assessed against the Canadian Education Standard following the review of their individual application for certification.
Why should I choose an accredited architecture program?
Does graduating from a CACB Accredited Program assure registration?
As a student/graduate does it make a difference if my accredited program was granted a 3 or 6 year term?
Can I apply for CACB certification if I graduated from an architectural program prior to it being accredited?
Is there any accredited architecture programs offered online?
What is the process for an architecture program to become accredited?
Accreditation Visits start with the APR and end with the VTR, which will serve for the decision on the Term of Accreditation to be granted by the Board.
What is an APR?
Where can I find the APR of the Program of the Institution I’m interested in?
What is a VTR?
Where can I find the latest Visiting Team Report of the Program of the Institution I’m interested in?
Can students participate in the accreditation process?
What is the composition of a Visiting Team?
Eligibility Consultation: CACB President, a Board member, and the Executive Director
Candidacy Visit: an Educator, a Practitioner, and the CACB Executive Director
Initial and Continuing Visits: The core Visiting Team is comprised of five voting members (including the Team Chair). It consists of two experienced architectural educators, two broadly experienced practicing architects; and a student representative or an intern.
In addition to the core Visiting Team, the Visiting Team may include as many as two non-voting members. The Program may appoint one of these, while the CACB may appoint the second for training purposes. With the Program’s agreement, the CACB may appoint additional non-voting members.
How can I becomes a Visiting team Member?
You will be added to the Visiting Team Roster and placed in the queue to participate in the next accreditation visiting team as a non-voting member. After then, you will be ready to be appointed on a visiting team as a full member.